Meet The Family


Pasquale Fiatarone was just 26 when he set sail from the Port of Naples in 1890 leaving his family in search of a better life on the other side of the world. 

It was 10 long years before his wife Maria and son Francesco would eventually be reunited with him here in Nelson, and he was part of a steady influx of Italian migrants who settled here with a community emerging that united them like no other. This photo taken just around the corner from our Pizza Bar at the Nelson Cathedral Steps in 1915 shows a patriotic gathering of these early Italian pioneers. Pasquale is standing with his hat, centre, front row.

With the vast majority living just outside the city centre in The Wood, they were bound together by industry with generations of families working together to prepare and grow tomatoes in large glasshouses. But it wasn’t just the work that united them; they were connected by religion, language, family and food!

And now, four generations and 130 years later, the passion for all things Italian have been passed through Pasquale’s great-great-grandsons Salvi and Vito Esposito and they share this with you here at SALVITO’S Pizza Bar. We bring you authentic flavours and tastes of Pizza familiar to those experienced growing up with these early pioneers.

We acknowledge our ancestors whose efforts and great sacrifice may never truly be known. It has been said that future generations can see further, but only because they stand on the shoulders of those gone before them.

Read about us below